भारत में स्वतंत्रता दिवस मनाना! जय हिंद!


translation: Celebrating India’s 64th Independence Day!

Dear Blog,

जय हिंद !!! (meaning Jai Hind: which is a slogan/ battle cry that asserts India’s independence, directly translates unto Hail India or Victory to India! Quite Patriotic, huh?)

It’s time for me to make you slightly more informative than usual. So on August 15th India proudly celebrates  its sovereignty and independence from British rule which was proclaimed in 1947. This day is a national holiday all over the country, meaning LONG WEEKEND!!! Yes! All over the country, there are special performances, flag hoisting, and even kite flying. The main events of course take place in Delhi, India’s capital! Yes, Delhi is better than the rest of the country (scratches her head) well for some strange reason all of these Delhi people that are presumably are better than the rest of India are scattering all over India and not in Delhi, hmmm puzzling!

Delhi hosts the main party, as the Prime Minister hoists a national flag at the Red Fort and delivers a nationally televised speech. In the speech the PM would highlight current achievements initiated by his government, raise important issues and emancipate awareness for further development and democracy. At the same time, the PM would also pay tribute to past leaders that have contributed to India’s freedom.

So we celebrated this national holiday by sleeping in, then having some brunch followed by some shopping, so many people would come out and about and in India national holidays mean that everything is pretty much open, unlike in Canada. Everyone were dressed in traditional kurta’s, males and females included. Many of the auto’s would hoist Indian flag’s with pride as they skimmed through the busy streets of Bangalore. As a side note, I must admit there is something very appealing about a kurta and jeans on men, maybe some guys in Canada should give it a chance. It’s traditional, yet modern. Welcome to Modern India! Where East and West unite in harmony.

Anyhow, it was nice to celebrate this special day with friends and wine!  As I walked by I would shake hands with the people in my neighbourhood, especially my friend, the security guard who I often have short conversations with in the mornings. He is a sweet heart and works such long shifts!! I will certainly miss his smile in the mornings as he waves good morning!

So yes, spending my first Independence day in India was rather chill and fun! I am not sure I got the full cultural experience being in Bangalore in comparison to that if I was in Delhi and where I would most likely be flying a kite, but it was definitely amazing to be surrounded by friends and people who truly believed in their country!

Jai Hind!

Happy 64th India! All the best!

Your Canadian wanna be Indian,




About Anya

Hi, My name is Anna and I am a 4th year Political science student at York University in Canada just about to embark on a summer adventure of interning in the beautiful and incredible India! I am thrilled and excited to be sharing all of my fun experiences here over this blog for the next 3.5 months! It shall be a roller coaster ride (as it has been thus far), but it will surely be entertaining!!!! So hang tight and enjoy the thrills and the chills along with me!!! Stay tuned!!!

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